
Posts Tagged ‘hollywood movies’

People who are looking for a movie with an excellent plot and logic, should really go see something else. 

Try something nominated for an Oscar, but don’t watch this. 

If you don’t demand that the plot make any sense or that a movie have a strong internal logic, then sit back and enjoy the ride.  Its a silly little movie with no real surprises.  Except the way characters behave – those have some surprises.  Most normal people I know wouldn’t not run into a old friend they thought died in high school and suddenly decide that flying off to Rome with them was a good idea.  But the folks in this movie think its fine.   And then act sad and puzzled by the fact that it ends abruptly. 

Frankly, if a I guy I hadn’t seen in years whisked me off for an all expenses paid trip to Rome, dropped me off at the airport after a few days and gave me a first class ticket home, I’d be sorry that the trip ended, but not all that shocked. 

The fight scenes were fun – people appearing and disappearing all the time and bringing objects with them. A bus appears out of nowhere and no bystanders act like that this is weird at all.  Really, what is wrong with these people?  And some of the action sequences made me laugh out loud. 

So, to sum up – this movie makes No Sense.  None.  But it made me laugh. And I left the theater in a good mood. So, all in all, not hideous.  If you are really bored right now, or better yet, when it comes out of dvd, watch it.  And on dvd you can skip past most of the talking parts. 

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